Beyond the Monument
The Memorial is Up and the Truth about the Massacre is being told. Check out this page to learn about our Progress as an organization and how your support is making a difference!
After the memorial was installed, Dean and Avery began working to see how they could make their next goals a reality. They met with the new Grant Parish School Superintendent, Dr. Erin Stokes, and interviewed her about the needs of the Black students in the school system. Dr. Stokes was already hard at work making improvements in the school system to address these needs. However, she readily agreed that more was needed, and additional funding was necessary.
They learned that most of the needs Dr. Stokes listed were related to the economic disadvantages the majority of students faced. Deficiencies in reading skills, poor behavior and absenteeism issues to name a few.
While Dean and Avery were beginning their discussions on how to address these needs, two organizations fortuitously entered the picture. The Episcopal Diocese of Western Louisiana headquartered in Alexandria, and the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. Both groups were working to provide racial reconciliation in Louisiana and saw the work the Colfax Memorial Organization was focused on as a great fit.
Through their involvement, they are working with Dr. Stokes to provide early childhood development support that is much needed. They even recruited a graduate of The University of the South, Dr. Linda Mayes, a physician and professor at Yale University who has an early childhood development focus in her department. They are working actively with Dr. Stokes to provide assistance where she needs it most.
The CMO is also working to provide funding for an after-school program to provide elementary age students with enriching activities that is not available anywhere else in the parish.
Avery and Dean are actively seeking funding from several philanthropic organizations, but you can help too.
Thank you.